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1 shutdown  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 11:20:34am

All your graph proves is that our GDP is too low!!! Jobs will take care of everything! End taxes on the rich! Indenture the poor!
bla bla bla TP/GOP talking points blablabla

2 Buck  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 11:36:07am

It is not clear to me if this is just US government spending, or all spending no matter who is paying (Insurance companies, and personal spending for example.)

If it is as I suspect that it is all medical spending, no matter what the source, then it makes perfect sense.

Americans enjoy a higher degree of access to healthcare. Even today there are people flying (or driving) in from all over world to get their health care in the USA.

The fact (for example) that Canada spends less of it's GDP on healthcare is obvious to anyone who has spent any time in a US hospital and a Canadian Hospital.

3 The Ghost of a Flea  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 11:53:08am

There's no question what the spending difference is, but graph really doesn't say that much. The discussion on the linked articles addresses this to a degree, but it doesn't have the force of a visual representation. What's needed is a breakdown into smaller data sections to ascertain why the difference, to show within healthcare spending where different nations are spending different amounts and how those outlays have changed over time.

I know some of the above has been done, somewhere. I'll cast about and see what I can find.

I don't know how to do it, but would there be a way of measuring outcome, meaning value for expense? Man, that would be complicated....

4 Buck  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 1:09:46pm
5 Jaerik  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 2:52:01pm

"Americans enjoy a higher degree of access to healthcare. Even today there are people flying (or driving) in from all over world to get their health care in the USA."

I hate to do this to you, but [Citation Needed]. I haven't seen any proof of this (over any other modern Western country) for at least several decades. There are not hordes of Canadians crossing the border for all of their basic or catastrophic access to healthcare, (which is what we're talking about here), and rich crazies from 3rd world countries now seem to hit up Europe, Canada, or rich countries in Asia just as often as they come here.

And your second link simply shows that cancer survival rates have no relation to whether the country has private insurance, single payer, or a hybrid. Nor, if you compare it to your first graph, do survival rates seem to have any correlation to health care spending as a percent of GDP.

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